Welcome to the new Anna Farba


Even though I started working as freelance botanical illustrator Anna Farba almost two years ago, my work did go through many changes and the latest change is a big one with a new website, blog, and a brand in mind.


For the past year, when I had a minute between client projects, I was asking myself hard but very important questions, as a freelancer and a small business owner. Where do I want this to go? What clients should I work with? What else should I do, except working on client projects? I’ve added more outlets, changed my process and daily routines countless times. I’ve been in many places since I started this journey and I made some important decisions for the future of Anna Farba.

The Blog is something I always wanted to have, so I can share my experiences and some helpful information for anyone interested. Here, I plan to publish posts in four categories:

01. WORK This is where I’ll share finalized projects with clients of mine here at Anna Farba studio. I typically work with small business owners who’s products or services are connected to nature like organic cosmetics, medicinal plant

02. STUDIO LIFE For the times I travel, do color studies in my sketchbook, discover new and amazing watercolor pigments, or capture the beauty of nature on the hikes and weekend get-away’s. Also including product reviews of anything that makes my freelance life better and/or easier; Studio shop updates, new illustrative products in the making and occasional tips on freelancing, organization and creative process.

03. TUTORIALS & HOW-TO’S Earlier this year I’ve started making video tutorials on my Youtube channel, that I’d like to expand into more informative format here, on the blog. Tutorials will be on painting using watercolors, or painting the specific plant, flower, leave - there are so many options and there’s always more to learn!

So, there you have it - the new Anna Farba studio look, complete with the blog. I can’t wait to share more with you here and hope you all have a wonderful week!

Kindest Regards, Anna