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A Plant Lover's Travel Guide: Copenhagen Botanical Garden

A Guide for the fellow plant lovers featuring travel destinations around the world. Part 1. University of Copenhagen Botanical Garden (Botanisk Have).

This is an overview of our trip to Copenhagen Botanical Gardens in October 2018.

We entered the Garden from the Nørreport Station, and started walking through the nice structure of pathways around the Garden, that is arranged in different sections.

ROCK GARDENS and ALPINE PLANTS were my favorite to spot from the trail, I was also impressed by an extensive collection of ferns. I loved that every plant has a name sign, so you can learn more about them later in case your knowledge of botany is not quite there yes, as mine is.


The Garden has 27 glasshouses, and the most notable is the old Palm House from 1874 that is 16 meters tall. The trip into the Complex starts with a fifty meters long glasshouse walk offering an extensive collection of cacti, succulents and air plants. If you travel in summer, you have a chance to get into the Butterfly House.

Entering the Palm House was absolutely breathtaking, you will be absolutely amazed of the scale and number of plants that live there. This glasshouse also has cast-iron spiral stairs leading to a passageway at the top. It is quite narrow and once you start walking the passageway you can feel the humidity so be aware to walk it slowly.

Palm House is a beautiful piece of architecture and the largest of it’s kind, but I also found it very romantic and a bit nostalgic. I don’t visit glasshouses often and every time they remind me of magical plants and Herbology classes in Hogwarts greenhouses.

For any plant enthusiast the Garden is worth a trip for its collection of around 13,000 species of plant life.

When leaving, don’t forget to peak into a gift shop - they have an amazing selection of various products for all the plant lovers. I could not resist picking these Cards with Flora Danica prints and a tote bag, with flowers on it of course. They also stock botanical posters, books and board games, home ware, etc.

You can enter the Garden for free

Address: Øster Farimagsgade 2B, 1353 København K
Opening hours: 08.30 – 18.00 (April - September); 08.30 – 16.00 (October - March)

Entrance to the Palm House and Butterfly House is DKK 60 (around $9) for adults

© All images were shot in October 2018 by Anna. Hope you enjoyed!