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A Plant Lover's Travel Guide: Schönbrunn Palm House

A Guide for the fellow plant lovers featuring travel destinations around the world. Part 3. The Palm House in the palace park at Schönbrunn (Palmenhaus Schönbrunn).

This is an overview of our trip to Vienna in September 2019.

Schönbrunn is a famous palace in Vienna, with a park surrounding it. The Palm House is a large greenhouse located on it’s territory and was established in 1882. Something that’s absolutely unique about it is it’s cast iron structure, that is absolutely beautiful from both from the inside and outside.

This impressive iron construction is truly remarkable with the materials determining its form and tree-shaped cast-iron columns were my favorite.

There are three pavilions with their own collection of plants to explore, that contain different climatic zones: a temperate zone in the Central pavilion, Cold house to the north, and a Tropical zone in the south pavilion, which are connected to each other by tunnel-like corridors.

You can enjoy the park for free, entrance to the Palm House is €6 for adults.

Address: Schlosspark, 1130 Wien
Opening hours: 09.30 – 18.00 (May to September); 09.30 – 17.00 (October to April)

If you enjoyed this read, take a look at the story about Copenhagen Botanical Garden

©All images were shot by Anna Farba.