Anna Farba Illustration

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Drawing inspiration from nature

A quick note on how I am able to continue finding inspiration in nature and create new work consistently.

1. Changing seasons

I love watching all 4 seasons going by every year, and this is just how it always been. Every season brings seasonal flowers, plants, harvest, and I feel like watching those keeps you more mindful of just how quickly the time is passing.

Notice an old tree in your neighborhood and watch it going from naked branches in the spring, growing the buds, buds turning into fresh green leaves and blooming flowers. And then when Fall comes, all leaves fade into gorgeous yellow, brown, or bright red and the tree throw around it's seeds before winter.

Nature has a strong impact on my mood and how I generally feel, 'I’ll always remember the great times I spent in nature with my family hiking, foraging for wild mushrooms or simply taking a walk through the forest.

2. Color palette

Every season has it's unique palette of colors to offer, and a combination of golden yellows, browns and reds have been my all-time favorite, inspired by Autumn leaves and dry grasses peaking through the first snow.

Many inspirations have been found through color choices we can make as artists and combinations we can use, that evoke emotions and make you feel a certain way.

I always notice a beautiful combination of colors nature created in flowers, and plants were used as natural dyes for centuries before us, that makes me think more about the nature of pigments that I use in my artwork.

3. Bringing the bits of nature in + recording them.

My early memories from art classes have always been on the edge of arts and craft, in a way that's very easy, how generally kids are introduced to paints and paper.

I have always found making herbarium, pressing leaves and flowers fascinating. I now go through this process with more intention but I also feel this connection to my childhood when I spend time doing it.

All plants and flowers have a deep meaning behind them, many are healing plants. Some claim to help with bad spirits or bad luck. I love having memories of the certain plants I come across and building up a collection of work to share with others.

4. Always looking for inspiration

There is a saying that only the one who is looking, will always find it. I like to find inspiration in traveling, learning something new, going outside and observing the nature around me.

I can feel this connection to nature through many things, as well as when creating botanical art. This is important to me as I think this fragile connection can be easily lost, while living in a big city.

I wish everyone to notice small things and stay connected to whatever is important in your life.

Hope you enjoyed this simple guide to staying inspired!

If you are looking for a custom botanical illustration - feel free to contact me at or fill out this form to get started.

- Anna